I/GCSE Chemistry Question Analysis Topic: Chemistry - Short Questions
Exam Questions:
1) Write one similarity and one difference between the chemistry of lanthanoid and actinoid elements.
2) Write the dispersed phase and dispersion medium of milk.
3) Why do ferrimagnetic substances show better magnetism than antiferromagnetic substances?
For I/GCSE Chemistry, you should know:
1) Similarity: The filling of (n-2)f orbitals is involved in lanthanoids and actinoids.
Difference: Actinides have oxidation states of +3, +4, +5, +6 and +7, whereas lanthanides have a maximum oxidation state of +4.
2) The dispersed medium and dispersed phase of a milk emulsion are both liquids.
3) Because their magnetic dipole moments are more aligned and do not cancel one another out as in the case of antiferromagnetic materials, ferrimagnetic materials exhibit better magnetism than antiferromagnetic materials.
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End of analysis. Great!