I/GCSE Physics Question Analysis Topic: Physics - Short Questions
Exam Questions:
1) Distinguish between analog and digital signals.
2) The motion of copper plate is damped when it is allowed to oscillate between the two poles of a magnet. What is the cause of this damping?
For I/GCSE Physics, you should know:
1) Analog signals are always continuous in time. The signal's fluctuating amplitude serves as a representation of its value. The amplitudes of digital transmissions are not constant throughout time. There are just two values for the amplitude: high and low.
Digital waves are stepping, square, and discrete while analog waves are smooth and continuous.
2) There is a constant flux change in the magnetic field associated with the pendulum as the copper plates oscillate in the magnetic field between the magnet's two poles. As a result, eddy currents are created in the copper plate, which attempt to counteract the pendulum's motion in accordance with Lenz's principles and eventually put it to rest.
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End of analysis. Great!