IBDP Physics Question Analysis Topic: Physics - Short Questions
Exam Questions:
1) Which basic mode of communication is used for telephonic communication?
2) Why does bluish colour predominate in a clear sky?
For IBDP Physics, you should know:
1) In telephonic communication, where information is transmitted from one person to another, point-to-point communication is employed.
2) The air molecules and other tiny particles in the atmosphere are smaller in size than the visible light wavelength. In comparison to light with longer wavelengths at the red end, these particles are more effective at scattering light with shorter wavelengths at the blue end. The wavelength of red light is 1.8 times higher than that of blue light. As a result, when sunlight travels through the atmosphere, blue light is scattered by airborne small particles more so than red light. As the scattered blue light reaches our eyes, we are able to discern the clean sky's blue color.
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