Some atomic isotopes are unstable and emit radiation, they become more stable. This process is called Radioactive Decay.
You must remember the definition of isotopes as it helps with a lot of reasoning in I/GCSE Physics! 👨🏫
Isotopes: Elements that contain equal numbers of protons but different numbers of neutrons.

The 3 types:
- Alpha - α
- Description: Helium nucleus of 2 protons and 2 neutrons.
- Electric charge: 2+
- Relative atomic mass: 4
- Penetration power: Goes through plastic and stops.
- Ionising effect: Big/heavy so highly ionising.
- Effects of magnetic/electric field: Weakly deflected.
- Beta - β
- Description: High kinetic energy electrons.
- Electric charge: 1-
- Relative atomic mass: 0
- Penetration power: Plastic and paper stopped by aluminum.
- Ionising effect: Not a lot of mass so moderately ionising.
- Effects of magnetic/electric field: Strongly deflected .
- Gamma - γ
- Description: Very high frequency electromagnetic radiation.
- Electric charge: 0
- Relative atomic mass: 0
- Penetration power: Plastic, paper, aluminum, stopped (reduced) by lead.
- Ionising effect: Weakly ionising.
- Effects of magnetic/electric field: Not deflected.

- When radiation hits an atom it can cause it to lose electrons.
- The positively charged atom produced is called an ion, this process is called ionisation.
- Radioactivity is measured in Becquerel (Bq)
This is the end of the topic! Well done!

Drafted by Cherry (Chemistry)