Forces and Elasticity
- When you stretch a spring, work has been done on it. Work means energy has been transferred.
- The energy in the spring has been turned into elastic potential energy and is being stored in the spring.
- This is released when the force applied to it is taken away.
- This works on stretching a spring or squashing it
- This process can be applied to any elastic object
- An elastic object is anything that after work has been done on it, it will return to it's original length/shape.
Hooke's Law
- The extension of an elastic object is directly proportional to the force applied. But only if it has not exceeded it's limit of proportionality.
- The straight line shows where the extension of the object is proportional to the force applied. Where it begins to curve, the limit of proportionality has been reached.
- When you measure how far the spring has extended, you measure from the bottom of the spring, so that you are not measuring the entire length of the spring, just how far it has extended.

Remember to draw out this triangle formula when you use Hooke's Law in I/GCSE Physics exams, you will get the calculation right for sure!👨🏫

This is the end of the topic!

Drafted by Cherry (Chemistry)