States of Matter🤨
- There are three states of matter:-
- solid, liquids and gas
- All matter is made up of tiny particles
- The particles of each state are arranged dirrently and also have different moving patterns
- Solids, liquids and gases can be changed into one another by changing the amount of energy that the particles have

Solids - close and touching one another in a regular, repeating pattern. The particles vibrate about a fixed position but do not move apart. The forces between the particles is much stronger than gas and still stronger than a liquid
Liquid - close together and touching one another but in an irregular pattern. The movement is very free as particles move around each other and slide over one another. There is not as much force between the particles as in a solid.
Gas - the particles are far apart with no common arrangement of particles. They move freely and constanlty collide with each other. There is no force between the particles at all.

Change of State🤯
Solid to Liquid - The particles gain kinetic energy and vibrate faster. This allows the particles to overcome the forces of attraction that hold them together as a solid. The regular pattern is broken down and the particles can now slide past one another.
Liquid to Solid - The particles lose kinetic energy and this allows the forces of attraction between the particles to hold them together. The particles arrange themselves into a regular pattern that have less vibrations and freedom to move
Liquid to Gas - The particles gain kinetic energy and move further apart. Eventually the forces of attraction are completely broken and they are able to escape from the liquid
In I/GCSE Chemistry, you may also have to know that a change from solid to gas is called a sublimation and from gas to solid a deposition.
Drafted by Catrina (Chemistry)