I/GCSE Chemistry Question Analysis Topic: Chemistry - Short Questions
Exam Questions:
1) What is observed when an emulsion is centrifuged?
2) Give reasons for the following:
Interhalogens are more reactive than pure halogens.
3) What is the structural difference between high density polythene (HDP) and low density polythene (LDP)?
For I/GCSE Chemistry, you should know:
1) When an emulsion is centrifuged, it separates into its component liquids, or demulsifies.
2) Because the X-X link in interhalogens is weaker than the X-X bond in dihalogens with the exception of F-F bonds, interhalogens are more reactive than halogens (apart from F).
3) Low density polythene is a branched chain polymer, which means that it has linear chains with some branches, whereas high density polythene is a linear polymer, consisting of long and straight chains.
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End of analysis. Great!