In I/GCSE Chemistry, it is important to know what is nano science.😋
Nano science is the science of very smallparticles, it looks at the properties of very small particles (Nano-particles),and these generally range between 0.1nm to 100nm.
- A nano-metre is one millionth of amillimetre. 1nm = 0.000000001m
- Nano-technology looks at the uses of thesetiny particles.
- They have a very large surface areacompared to their volume, so they can react quite quickly.
- They behave differently to the materialsthey are made from on a large scale.
Here are some applications of nano science.
- They can be used in Windows because sunshinetriggers a chemical reaction that breaks down any dirt, and rainwater is spreadout evenly over the window to wash away the broken down dirt.
- Titanium dioxide nano-particles are sosmall they do not reflect visible light, so can’t be seen by the human eye. Sotherefore they are used in Sun creams to block harmful ultraviolet rays,without appearing white on the skin.
- They are used in many cosmetics includingface-creams because they absorb deeper into the skin, they are also used indeodorants.
- They could also be used in the developmentof : New catalysts, New computers, Stronger and Lighter building materials aswell as sensors that detect tiny amounts of substances.
That's the end of nano science.
Drafted by Yoko Mak (Chemistry)