- Outline the major steps of photochemical reactions and carbon fixation.
- Understand the dependence of carbon fixation to the photochemical reaction.

Photochemical reactions 🍀

👆🏻This photo showing the steps in photochemical reaction including light absorption, photolysis of water in the generation of NADPH as well as generation of ATP.
🔺Photochemical reaction takes place in the thylakoid membranes of grana.
1. Light absorption
- The light is absorbed by chlorophyll and electron is boosted to a high energy level.
- The high energy electron replacing the electron in water which split the water into Oxygen (O2) and H+ ions.
2. Generation of NADPH
- Travelling down an electron transport chain, high energy electrons passed to NADP+ and leads to the formation of NADPH.
3. Generation of ATP
- Travelling down an electron transport chain, high energy electrons will release energy which drives the pumping of H+ ions into the interior of the thylakoid from the stroma.
- H+ ions moving down the concentration gradient from the interior of the thylakoid to the stroma.
- ATP synthase is carried out and generate ATP from ADP.
HKDSE Biology students have to remember what is being generated in photochemical reaction ❗️ ❕O2, ATP and NADPH
Calvin cycle 🍀

👆🏻This photo showing the steps in carbon fixation - Calvin cycle.
🔺Carbon fixation takes place in the stroma
1. Carbon fixation
- A five-carbon molecule (RuBP) is combined with a Carbon dioxide (CO2) molecule.
- A six-carbon molecule is formed and splitting into two three-carbon molecules (3-PGA).
- The reaction is catalysed by an enzyme ➡️rubisco.
2. Reduction
- Three-carbon molecule (3-PGA) is converted into three-carbon sugar (G3P) using ATP and NADPH.
- ATP ➡️ ADP
3. Regeneration
- Three-carbon sugar (G3P) turns into product glucose using ATP.
- ATP ➡️ ADP
HKDSE Biology students have to remember what is being generated in Calvin cycle ❗️ ❕Glucose, ADP and NADP+

👆🏻This photo showing the linkage between photochemical reaction and Calvin cycle.
- ATP and NADPH are generated in photochemical reaction.
- ATP and NADPH are essential in Clavin cycle.
- ATP 👇🏻
- Three-carbon molecule (3-PGA) is converted into three-carbon sugar (G3P)
- Three-carbon sugar (G3P) turns into product glucose
- NADPH 👇🏻
- Three-carbon molecule (3-PGA) is converted into three-carbon sugar (G3P)
That's the end of this topic 👏🏻

- Khan Academy. Light-dependent reactions (photosynthesis reaction) (article). Khan Academy. https://www.khanacademy.org/science/biology/photosynthesis-in-plants/the-light-dependent-reactions-of-photosynthesis/a/light-dependent-reactions.
- Khan Academy. The Calvin cycle (article) | Photosynthesis. Khan Academy. https://www.khanacademy.org/science/biology/photosynthesis-in-plants/the-calvin-cycle-reactions/a/calvin-cycle.