GCSE Physics Question Analysis Topic: Physics - Short Questions
Exam Questions:
1) Write the functions of the following in communication systems:
i) Transducer
ii) Repeater
2) Using the concept of force between two infinitely long parallel current carrying conductors, define one ampere of current.
For GCSE Physics, you should know:
1) (i) A transducer is a device that changes one form of energy into another.
(ii) Upon receiving a signal from a transmitter, a repeater will amplify the signal before retransmitting it to the receiver.
2) It is possible to define one ampere of current as the amount of current that flows in the same direction through two infinitely long parallel wires that are separated by one metre, producing an attractive force of 2 x 10-7 N / m. This is true when the wires are not in a vacuum and have negligible circular cross sections.
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End of analysis. Great!