GCSE Chemistry Question Analysis Topic: Chemistry - Short Questions
Exam Questions:
1) What are emulsions? What are their different types? Give one example of each type.
2) What are the products of hydrolysis of maltose?
For GCSE Chemistry, you should know:
1) Emulsions are colloidal systems in which one liquid is disseminated in another liquid that is immiscible with it.
Refresher: immiscible - (of liquids) not forming a homogeneous mixture when mixed.
Emulsion varieties:
(1) Oil in a water emulsion; the dispersed phase is oil. Water is the dispersion medium.
For instance, liquid fat particles distributed in water make up milk.
(2) Water in oil emulsion: the dispersed phase is water. Oil is the dispersion medium.
For instance, water molecules suspended in oil make up margarine.
2) Maltose is hydrolyzed to produce a-D-glucopyranose.

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