In this IBDP Biology Blog post, we will be looking at different neurotransmitters used as well as what is used as an alternative for pesticide usages.
Cholinergic Synapses

Synapes do not all use the same neurotransmitters
Many do use Actylecholine which activates mucles
- Pre-synaptic neuron secretes acytlecholine into the synaptic cleft
- Actylecholine diffuses across synapse
- Binds to receptors in the post-synaptic neuron
- Acytlecholine is broken down into acytle and choline in the cleft by an enzyme Cholinesterase in the cleft
- Choline is reabsorbed by the pre-synaptic neuron

- A type of insectide similiar to nicotine
Bind to post-synaptic receptors in insects that normally accept the neurotransmitter Actylecholine
It is not broken down by Cholinerstrase
Therefore the receptor becomes permenantly blocked and actylecholine cannot bind.
This causes the paralysis of the insect and can possibly lead to death.
That is all!

- https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&url=http%3A%2F%2Fib.bioninja.com.au%2Fstandard-level%2Ftopic-6-human-physiology%2F65-neurons-and-synapses%2Fneurotransmitters.html&psig=AOvVaw2k7ybZ2p0fgTuPgBOEmmXY&ust=1627393666564000&source=images&cd=vfe&ved=0CAsQjRxqFwoTCICFx_3vgPICFQAAAAAdAAAAABAD
- https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.getbodysmart.com%2Fnervous-system%2Fneurotransmitter-release&psig=AOvVaw3MA2HqqqovBG0QwWGJDSuu&ust=1627393963133000&source=images&cd=vfe&ved=0CAsQjRxqFwoTCKDLh4vxgPICFQAAAAAdAAAAABAD
Drafted by Venetia (Biology)