The moment is the turning effect of a force
Moment = Force x perpendicular distance between line of action
The force on the spanner causes a turning effect or moment on the nut, A larger force would mean a larger moment.
- Using a longer spanner, the same force can exert a larger moment because the distance form the pivot is greater.
- To get the maximum moment ( or turning effect) you need to push at right angle (perpendicular) to the spanner. Pushing at any other angle means smaller moment because the perpendicular distance between the line of action and the pivot is smaller.

Centre of Gravity🌍
The centre of gravity hangs directly below the point of suspension
A freely suspended object will swing until its centre of gravity s vertically below the point of suspension
How to find the centre of gravity🤨
You may have to describe this in I/GCSE Physics.
- Suspend the shape and a plumb line from the same point, and wait until they stop moving.
- Draw a line along the plumb line
- Do the same thing again, but suspend the shape from a different pivot point
- The centre of gravity is where the two lines cross

Drafted by Catrina (Physics)