The Electromagnetic spectrum uses:

Radio Waves:📡
- Transmitting television and radio programmes
- communications between different places and satellite transmissions
- Satellite communication
- mobile phones
- cooking
- Grills, toasters, heaters
- remote controls(short range communication)
- Optical fibre communication
- treatment of muscular problems
- night vision (thermal imaging) and security systems
Visible light:👀
- Vision
- photography
- illumination
- Fluorescent lamp and secuity coding
- sunbeds
- detecting forged bank notes
- disinfecting water
- Producing shadow pictures of bones and metals to observe the internal structure of objects and animals in medical x-rays
- airport security scanners
Gamma Rays:💥
- Detecting cancer and treating it by killing cancer cells
- killing bacteria on food and sterilising surgical instruments
You will have to remember the uses and the types of EM waves in I/GCSE Physics.
Thats the end of today's topic!

References: http://labman.phys.utk.edu/phys222core/modules/m6/The%20EM%20spectrum.html
Drafted by Catrina (Physics)