In this I/GCSE Chemistry blog post, we will be looking at the process and the creation of ethanol, as well as the different reactions associated with the alcohol.
Fermentation of Ethanol

- Uses Renewable resources (sugar cane)
- Batch Process
- Very slow rate of reaction, takes several days for each batch
- Product is dilute ethanol that would need further processing if pure ethanol is needed.
- Low temperatures are required for these reaction conditions.
Hydration of Ethene
- Uses Non-Renewable resources (crude oil)
- Continuous process
- Fast rate of reaction
- Produces pure ethanol
- High temperatures and pressures are required for reaction conditions. (More expensive.)
Reactions of Ethanol
- Ethanol will burn when heated in air or oxygen.
- This means it can be used as fuel for cars.
- This fuel contains a mixture of ethanol and petrol. It is available in many countries.
- Ethanol can have the elements of water removed from it.
- This is done by passing ethanol vapour over hot aluminium oxide.
- This acts as a catalyst for the reaction.
That is all!
