In this blog post, we are looking at how a theory is formed in I/GCSE Biology!
Other theories of evolution
- Richard Owen explain similarities between species – suggests god created basic plans that developed in different ways
- Lamarck suggested species could change – most scientists believe they remain the same
- Lamarck idea – environment caused changes in species and changes were passed on to offspring

The problem with Darwin’s theory
In I/GCSE Biology, don't forget to remember the following points!
- Theory rejected – didn’t consider god as creator
- Little evidence for natural selection causing change + creating new species
- Darwin can't explain how characteristics pass from parent to offspring

The acceptance of Darwin’s theory
- Theory used to make predictions tested scientifically
- Beak size of finches in Galapagos Islands when a drought broke out and harder seeds were produced.
- Birds who ate the most food and had larger, stronger beaks survived. In years beak size should increase.

And we're done with this topic! Well Done!

Drafted by Alyssa (Biology)
- "Richard Owen quote", https://www.azquotes.com/picture-quotes/quote-cuvier-had-preceded-lamarck-in-specifying-the-kinds-and-degrees-of-variation-which-his-richard-owen-100-27-67.jpg
- "Rejection of evolution by religious group", https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/a/a4/Anti-EvolutionLeague.jpg/220px-Anti-EvolutionLeague.jpg
- "Pin on galapagos", https://i.pinimg.com/originals/05/a7/c3/05a7c32aad81cabce83978db65916355.jpg