In this blog post, we will talk about the topic of cells in I/GCSE Biology. Let's get started! 🥰
Animal Cell
At first, you have to know the difference between animal and plant cells!
- Cell membrane – controls what enters and leaves the cell, e.g. oxygen, carbon dioxide, glucose
- Nucleus – contains DNA, instructions for the cell
- Cytoplasm – fills the cell, reactions take place here
- Mitochondria – where respiration takes place, releasing energy for the cell
- Ribosomes – the site of protein synthesis
Plant cell
- Cell membrane
- Nucleus
- Cytoplasm
- Mitochondria
- Cell wall – made of cellulose, tough to help the cell support its shape
- Central vacuole – contains cell sap to help keep the cell rigid
- Chloroplasts – where photosynthesis takes place to make food for the cell
- Ribosomes
Look at the differences of plant and animal cells to have a quick summary of I/GCSE Biology below!!!!
And we're done with this topic! Well Done!
Drafted by Alyssa (Biology)
- "Edexcel iGCSE Human Biology: 1.1", https://i.ytimg.com/vi/gR3xRbRevDc/maxresdefault.jpg
- "IGCSE Science/Section 2", https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/5/5b/Simple_diagram_of_plant_cell_%28en%29.svg/300px-Simple_diagram_of_plant_cell_%28en%29.svg.png
- "BIOL - Structure of Plant and Animal Cells", https://user-images.strikinglycdn.com/res/hrscywv4p/image/upload/c_limit,fl_lossy,h_9000,w_1200,f_auto,q_auto/1691777/924824_888901.png