In this post, we will look at the growth in plants and animals respectively. Let's get started!😁
- Growth is a permanent increase in size, length, mass and cell number.
- Percentile charts can help to show if your child is growing faster or slower than is normal for their age.
- The 50th percentile is the median.
- If your height is at the 50th percentile, you are taller than 50% of the population.

Growth in Plants and Animals
In I/GCSE Biology, it is important to remember the topic regarding growth in plants and animals!
Growth in plants:
- Grow through all their lives
- Meristems are a place where cells keep dividing
- Once cells have divided, they get longer (elongate)
- Meristem can specialise/differentiate

Growth in animals:
- Stop growing when they become adults
- Have stem cells that can differentiate
- Most animals cannot regrow damaged limbs

Make sure you remember this in I/GCSE Biology!
- All the cells in an embryo are stem cells.
- This means they can produce any kind of cell.
- Only a few cells in an adults body are stem cells, and these are used to help repair damaged tissue.
And we're done with this topic! Well Done!

Drafted by Alyssa (Biology)
- "Growth chart", https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/4/41/CDC_growth_chart_boys_birth_to_36_mths_cj41c017.pdf/page1-1200px-CDC_growth_chart_boys_birth_to_36_mths_cj41c017.pdf.jpg
- "Meristems", https://ib.bioninja.com.au/_Media/meristems_med.jpeg
- "Derivation and differentiation of human embryonic stem cell", https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Maria-Marchetto/publication/51407282/figure/fig1/AS:305716054249472@1449899795131/Derivation-and-differentiation-of-human-embryonic-stem-cells-to-a-neuronal-lineage.png