Have you read the previous post regarding the natural selection and selective breeding in I/GCSE Biology? If yes, we'll move on talking about evolution!
Natural selection and Selective breeding
Differences between the two is that with selective breeding, it is humans who choose the desirable traits however with natural selection, it is the environment that determines the desirable traits.

The formation of new species
In I/GCSE Biology, make sure you memorize the following effects!
The combined effects of the following can lead to the formation of new species:
- Mutations
- Natural selection
- Environmental changes
- Isolation – where individuals from one population are isolated from other populations so that they cannot meet to breed
This process is called EVOLUTION

Evidence for evolution
Evidence for evolution is provided by:
1. The fossil record
- fossils are the remains of plants or animals from thousands of years ago that are found in rock.
- Fossils indicate the history of species and can show the evolutionary changes in organisms over millions of years.
- The remains of the organisms are buried in the rock.

2. DNA organisms
- Similarities and differences in DNA can lead to the relationships being worked out between all life on Earth.
- Analysing the DNA of both living and fossilised specimens shows that there are similarities as well as differences.
- This can be used to chart the family tree of all life on

Jean-Baptiste Lamarck VS Charles Darwin
Jean-Baptiste Lamarck
- was a scientist who proposed that the environment changed an organism.
- The organism then passed on the characteristic to their offspring
- e.g. moles lived in the dark, so they lost their eyes as a result.
- This is called evolution through inheritance of acquired characteristics.

Charles Darwin
- devised a better explanation following many years of thought and collecting evidence.
- By collecting data, Darwin made the connection varieties, competition, the survival of the fittest and the passing on of desirable characteristics to the next generation.

And we're done with this topic! Well Done!

Drafted by Alyssa (Biology)
- "Natural selection and Selective breeding", https://3.bp.blogspot.com/-cTlA61BQbm0/Wh72lN3RC9I/AAAAAAAAJws/jsEaAVRxn8EZTlu5hxZOZkV1hTS3gyVGgCLcBGAs/s1600/Natural%2BSelection%2Bvs%2BArtificial%2BSelection.jpg
- "Speciation Formation of New Species", https://slideplayer.com/7372342/24/images/slide_1.jpg
- "Chapter 13: How Populations Evolve". Photo from the internet.
- "EVIDENCE FOR EVOLUTION Biology 9 EVIDENCE", https://slidetodoc.com/presentation_image_h/094535398093751e200dc9e0160f164c/image-7.jpg
- "inheritance of acquired characteristics", https://www.vedantu.com/question-sets/26186285-8c46-47fe-bee0-da44142f00244895937243352525036.png
- "Natural selection and adaptation", https://polarpedia.eu/wp-content/uploads/2017/10/EDU-ARCTIC-POLARPEDIA-entry-illustration-NATURAL-SELECTION.png
- "Jean-Baptiste Lamarck VS Charles Darwin", https://thedoctorsdialogue.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/12-darwin-lamarck-giraffe_slideshare.net_.jpg
- "Evolution". Photo from the internet.