Do you guys still remember how we evaluate the benefits of fertility treatment in I/GCSE Biology?
Interfering with nature
- 66yr old women became pregnant using donated sperm and eggs
In vitro fertilisation
- In I/GCSE Biology, Women are infertile = blocked oviducts or fallopian tubes.
- Eggs can’t travel from ovaries to womb, sperm can’t travel upwards to meat egg
- IVF is fertilisation in a test tube (test-tube baby)
- Step 1 – Women given injections of FSH – stimulates maturation of several eggs
- Step 2 – Eggs collected before release from ovary (ultrasound finds eggs, needle used to remove them)
- Step 3 – Eggs fertilised with sperm outside body
- Step 4 – Fertilised egg divide to form embryos
- Step 5 – Embryos (balls of cells) inserted into women’s womb
•Removal of egg (aspiration) --> •Insemination --> •Incubation --> •Embryo transfer into womb

What are the statistics?
- Typical cost = £5000-£8000 + costs of consultation, drugs and tests
- In I/GCSE Biology, Risk – Multiple births (especially triplets). Abort one triplet, health risks for mother and unborn child
That's all~