Do you guys still remember how to develop new drugs in I/GCSE Biology?
Developing new drugs
- In I/GCSE Biology, Disease treating drugs = safe, effective, chemically stable, successfully taken in and removed from body
- All clinical trials are double-blind trials
- Some patients give placebo (dummy medicine), some given actual drug
- Not doctor or patients know what they have received until trail complete
- Drug put through tests before use – trails are:
- Laboratory – Animals or tissues used in lab. Find out level of toxicity + if drug works
- Phase 1 clinical – Low doses tested on small group (health people) to evaluate safety + identify side effects
- Phase 2 clinical – Larger group of people tested to see if effective + further evaluate safety + determine optimum dose
- Phase 3 clinical – Large groups of people tested to confirm effectiveness + monitor side effects
- T – tissues for toxicity
- H – healthy people for side effects
- P – Patient for effectiveness
- D – patients for dose
When drug tests fail
- 1957 – thalidomide given to women to help them sleep + overcome effects of morning sickness
- In I/GCSE Biology, women gave birth to babies whose limbs weren’t properly formed
- Testing of thalidomide was incomplete – not tested on pregnant animals
- Thalidomide effectively treats leprosy
Testing satins
In I/GCSE Biology,
That's all~