- An alloy is a mixture of a metal and other elements, usually other metals or carbon
- Alloys have physical properties that are different from the properties of pure metals, so they are often more useful than pure metals.
- Most of the metals from everyday uses are alloys.
- Alloys are harder than pure metals.
- Metal ions in pure metals are of the same size and arranged in a regular pattern, so it is easier for the layers to slide over each other when a force is applied.
- Metal ions of different sizes in alloys disrupts the regular arrangement, so it is more difficult for the layers to slide over each other when a force is applied.

☝️ For IGCSE Chemistry, it is important to understand why alloys are harder than pure metals. ☝️
Uses of Metals
1. Uses of Aluminum

2. Uses of Copper

3. Uses of Iron

4. Uses of Steel
Iron produced from blast furnace is strong but brittle for many uses, so it is often converted into steel alloy.