In this article we will be peeking into the world of immunity. We will be learning about active and passive immunity as well as distinguishing differences between natural and Artificial immunity. ✌️
Active Immunity
Active immunity is a process by which the body develops immunity by producing its own antibodies or Killer T cells in response to the antigens (pathogens). Memory cells are produced to defend against the future invasion of the same pathogens. It produces secondary response. The protection by active immunity is long-lived. 💥
Passive Immunity
Passive Immunity is achieved by direct introduction of antibodies in an individual to another individual. It can give immediate protection against infection but it is only short lived and the protection is temporary because the antibodies introduced can be easily broken down by the body's natural process. 💫
Now that we have learned the concepts of Active immunity and Passive immunity. We will now focus on Natural Active and Artificial Active Immunity as well ass Natural Passive and Artificial Passive Immunity. 👍
Natural Active Immunity And Artificial Active Immunity🧐
1. Natural Active Immunity: As from the picture it mentions when we fall sick our body produces antibodies to protect us and memory cells which will remember the antigen (pathogen) that causes the disease. And when we are infected by the same antigen (pathogen), it will stimulate the memory cells and it will produce antibodies or killer T cells rapidly and in a large amount to fight against the antigen. This type of immunity is very effective and long lasting, sometimes even for life.😷
2. Artificial Active Immunity: When we are young some weak and harmless virus are injected to our body known as vaccination. This will result in primary responses meaning our body will produce antibodies or killer T cells to fight against it And when same virus infect us again secondary responses is produced as it will be recognised by the memory cells and produces antibodies in a large amount and rapidly. 💉
Natural passive and Natural Artificial Immunity🧐
1. Natural Passive Immunity: The antibodies are introduced to our body in a natural way as mentioned in the picture like through breast feeding from a mother to a baby or diffusion of antibodies through a mother's placenta into the foetus. 👶
2. Artificial Passive Immunity: As shown in the table artificial passive immunity is achieved by injection of antibodies. These antibodies are extracted from blood of one individual and injected into other individual. 💉
And we are done with our dose and tour of Immunity!
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