Muscles and Joints
- Muscles can work in antagonistic pairs.
- In order for smooth movement at a muscular junction, such as the elbow, two muscles must be involved.
- A muscle can only produce a force when it contracts, so if there are two muscles, the bone at the joint can only move smoothly if one muscle contracts, and the other relaxes.
Synovial Joint
- The elbow joint is an example of a synovial joint where a lot of movement occurs.
- These muscles do operate as an antagonistic pair, and although they cannot actively contract, they re-extend when pulled by the opposite antagonistic muscle.
- Synovial joints produce synovial fluid (from the synovial membrane) which acts as a lubricant for the joint.
- This is there to ease the movement of the bones at the joint.
- At the terminus of each bone, there is cartilage which has the purpose of reducing friction due to movement of the bones.
- The protective ligament casing keeps the bones together when they move.
Neuromuscular Junctions
- Muscle action is controlled by the nervous system.
- There are motor neurons connected to muscles cells over a junction called a neuromuscular junction.
- A nerve impulse which arrives at the neuromuscular junction is transmitted across the gap via a method very similar to that of the cholinergic synapse and a small chain of events eventually stimulates a contraction of the muscle:
- - An electrical impulse arrives at the terminus of the motor neurone, where there are vesicles containing the neurotransmitter acetylcholine.
- The action potential triggers the vesicles to move the neurone membrane and fuse, releasing the chemical across the neuromuscular cleft.
- - The acetylcholine binds to receptors on the muscle fibre membrane, which triggers a depolarisation in the membrane.
- - The wave of depolarisation travels along the muscular membrane, until it reaches a tubule of the T-system, called a T-tubule, a deep cleft in the sarcolemma (muscle fibre membrane).
- - The depolarisation in the T-system sends out a message causing sarcoplasmic reticulum (a specialised form of endoplasmic reticulum found only in muscle fibres) to release calcium ions (Ca2+) from its vast stores.
- - The calcium moves towards proteins embedded in the muscle, and binds to those proteins, causing a contraction.
- - Acetylcholinesterase breaks down acetylcholine into choline and ethanoic acid, so that the neuromuscular junction is not constantly activated, but is only active when a new impulse arrives at the junction.
When it comes to A2/A-level Biology, can you recognize the differences and similarities between the neuromuscular junction and the synapse?
- Both use acetylcholine as the neurotransmitter (provided the synapse in question is the cholinergic synapse).
- The enzyme acetylcholinesterase is involved in both for breaking down acetylcholine to maintain a concentration gradient and prevent constant impulses being transmitted.
- Both are triggered by the arrival of an action potential on the pre-synaptic/motor neurone membrane.
- T-tubules carry the electrical signal quickly into the inside of the muscle cell, whereas at a synaptic junction the message is passed on by the movement of sodium ions.
- The neuromuscular junction is only ever excitatory,whereas synapses can be either excitatory or inhibitory.
- The synapse sends a message from neurone-to-neurone, whereas the neuromuscular junction transmits a signal from neurone-to-muscle.
Drafted by Bonnie (Biology)