UCAT Question Analysis - Decision Making Question 27
A pharmaceutical company ONLY provides drugs in the following formats:
- All liquid drugs are sold in bottles or vials.
- All non-liquid drugs (>250g) come in packages
- All drugs sold in bottles come with a syringe doser.
- A patient information leaflet setting out the side-effects CAN BE FOUND in all drugs sold in packages or containers of more than 250g.
Is the conclusion below a YES or NO?
Q27.1 A powdered drug must come with a leaflet.
Q27.2 A drug coming with a syringe doser ALWAYS COMES in a bottle.
Q27.3 Drug coming with a leaflet MUST be non-liquid.
Q27.4 A syrup in a 525 g bottle comes witha syringe doser and a patient information leaflet.
Q27.5 If a drug comes in a 200 g package then it must be liquid
Answer & Explanation
Q27.1. Yes
Powdered drug is a non-liquid and so it will be sold in a package weighing over
250g. Must automatically include a leaflet.
Q27.2. No
Drugs sold in bottles come with a syringe DOES NOT NECESSARILY mean a drug coming with a syringe doser comes in a bottle.
Q27.3. No
It is noted that all non-liquid drugs weigh over 250g comes with a leaflet, but vice versa, it is not necessary the case.
E.g. the drug in question could be a liquid drug in a 300g container.
Q27.4. Yes
Liquid drug = Bottle
Liquid drug = with a syringe doser
Since 525g>250g, it must come with a leaflet.
Q27.5. Yes
Non-liquid drugs over 250g comes in packages, so a package weighing under 200g must be liquid.
Drafted by Quincy (UCAT Prep)