I/GCSE Biology Question Analysis Topic: Biology - Short Questions
Exam Questions:
1) Write the function of adenosine deaminase enzyme. State the cause of ADA deficiency in humans. Mention a possible cure for a ADA deficiency patient.
Expand the following and mention one application of each:
(i) PCR (ii) ELISA
For I/GCSE Biology, you should know:
1) It is an enzyme crucial for the functioning of an immune system.
An ADA deficiency is caused by the deletion of the gene for adenosine deaminase.
A potential, permanent cure is gene therapy - lymphocytes from the patient's blood is grown in a culture outside of the body. Afterwards, functional ADA is introduced to the lymphocytes and then introduced to the patient.
2) (i) PCR stands for polymerase chain reaction.
It's used for detection, sequencing, micro-arrays, paternity testing, etc.
ELISA is Enzyme Linked ImmunoSorbent Assay.
It's utility is for determining the serum antibody concentrations in a virus test.
Work hard for your I/GCSE Biology examination!
End of analysis. Great!