Identification of tissue layers in transverse sections of the small intestine viewed with a microscope or in a micrograph in IB biology

Analysis of oscilloscope traces showing resting potentials and action potentials.

Annotate diagrams of the male and female reproductive system to show names of structures and functions under IB biology curriculum

Annotation of a diagram of a mitochondrion to indicate adaptations to its functions

- Inner membrane: Folded into cristae to increase surface area for electron transport chain
- Intermembrane space: Small space between inner and outer membranes for accumulation of protons (increases PMF)
- Matrix: Contains appropriate enzymes and a suitable pH for the Krebs cycle to occur
- Outer membrane: Contains appropriate transport proteins for shuttling pyruvate into the mitochondria
Annotation of a diagram to indicate the adaptations of a chloroplast to its function according IB biology curriculum

End of this part! Please read next part as well!