You will have to know the definition of species in I/GCSE Biology
- A group of organism that can breed with each other and produce fertile offspring. A few species can interbreed to produce hybrids but these are sterile
Hybrid species inculde...
- Horse + Donkey = Mule Fertile- can have off spring
- Tiger + Lion = Liger/Tiglon Interbreed- can breed with other species
- Camel + Llama = Cama Hybrid- animals of two different speceis
- Zebra + Donkey = Zonkey Sterile- Cannot produce off spring
- Jaguar + Lion = Jaylion

Binomial Classification🦁
Each species has a unique binomial name...
Panthera Leo
- Genus name (Panthera)- sharded with
- Species name (Leo)- unique to African Lionsby similar species (big cats)
- Panthera Pardus (Leopard) and Panthera Tigris (Tiger) have the same genus name because they are closely related
Binomial names are useful because...
- Others know which species you mean
- You can see form the genus name which species are closely related
- Helps to identify which enivroments contain fewer species (low biodiversity) that are at risk of extinction.
Neighbouring 'species' of the ring frequently interbreed, they produce a continues range of characteristics form one end to the other.
- Each off spring is fertile
Binomial- two part name
Biodiversity- a lot of different types of species living together in one areaRing species- species that connect to form a ring

Reference: https://i.pinimg.com/originals/15/47/2d/15472d3b568738c35b2125ee6d9a8f4c.jpg
Drafted by Catrina (Biology)