In I/GCSE Biology, it is important to remember the topic regarding gene basics. Let's get started!!!! 😁
Basic Characteristic
- Characteristic ➡️ a feature of an organism, sun as its size, colour or behaviour; many characteristic are coded for by genes
- Some characteristic look like those of one parent and some of the other !!!
Gene control Characteristic
Do you remember about the topic of DNA in I/GCSE Biology?
Inherit characteristic from parents
- Formed when a sex cell (gamete called egg) from mother fused with sex cell (gamete called sperm) from father
- Nucleus of each gamete has chromosomes – made up of genes
- We receive genes from each parent
- Chromosomes carry thousands of genes ➡️ height, hair colour, blood type, length + shape of bones etc.
- Genes affect the way you grow
- All have different combination of genes except twins (all look different)

The cause of variation
- characteristic are controlled by genes
- Gene OCA2 found on chromosome 15 – carries instructions for making the substance which gives eyes, hair, and skin colour
- Some differences not from genes e.g. muscle strength
- Variation controlled by environment e.g. height ➡️ continuous variation
- Variation caused by single gene ➡️ categoric
- characteristic affected by environment and genes e.g. 2 tall parents ➡️ genes for tallness – if not grown well as a child then not grown as tall as genes allow

And we're done with this topic! Well Done!

Drafted by Alyssa (Biology)
- "IGCSE Biology Notes: 3.2", https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/93iZDu_lQSGitP0tiVWcQpdhxISjyQINhKOYJ24MQg7iakSvipG8qkv0bTKlIjm5nWiZP7TqEb2F2Gc99GE-oDJTRobVaHQp4IoBPx9tZcKmsuGlb6ei-USXJCG4COn1fwCdbCy1
- "Continuous, discontinous". Photo from the internet.