In I/GCSE Biology, this part will discuss diet and exercise, basic knowledge of metabolism and blood cholesterol levels.
Changing lifestyles
- Serious health problems due to poor diet and lack of exercise
- Too much sugar, lack of fruit and vegetable
You are what you eat
- Carbohydrates and fats provide energy (alive/active)
- Proteins, vitamins and minerals – grow and replace damaged cells and tissues
- Varied diet = good
- Malnutrition, wrong amount of nutrient eaten
- Deficiency disease, not enough of a certain vitamin or mineral
- Keep balanced/healthy diet
NOTE: In I/GCSE Biology, MR= Metabolic Rate
- More exercise = more energy needed
- Chemical reactions in body release energy from food
- Metabolic rate = speed at which your body uses that energy
- Energy needed for breathing, digestion, keep heart beating (when resting)
- Resting/Basal Metabolic rate = rate when resting
- Higher MR = more energy you use
- Exercise increases MR
- Exercise increases proportion of muscle to fat in body
- MR also affected by inheritance, lifestyle
- MR decreases with age
Blood cholesterol levels (BCL)
- BCL depends on amount of fat in diet (also inheritance)
- High BCL = increased risk of diseases from heart and blood vessels
That's all~~