Note: Bacteria - B; Virus - V
- In I/GCSE Biology, for a Bubble boy
- B and V release toxins (poisonous chemicals) and they make you ill
- B and V prevent cells from working properly
- Headache, fever, feeling sick (symptoms)
- B inside you multiply every 20 min
- Viruses multiply inside cells by entering them, using the chemicals inside there to multiply. New V bursts out of cell to invade another – damages / destroys cell
Cells to fight pathogens (white blood cell-WBC)
In I/GCSE Biology,
- White blood cells – specialized cells that defend your body against pathogens
- Some WBC ingest = take into the cell any pathogen, once inside the WBC releases enzymes to digest and destroy pathogen
- Other WBC release antibodies (chemicals)
- Certain type of antibody = can only destroy certain type of pathogen
- Step 1 – V gets inside body
- Step 2 –WBC make antibodies and memory cells
- Step 3 – antibodies attack V and kill it
- Step 4 – if V enters body again then memory cells know what kind of antibody to make
- Step 5 – IM IMMUNE
- WBC produce antitoxins = chemicals which prevent toxins made by pathogens poisoning your body
Life-long protection
- Unlikely to develop disease again once WBC destroyed pathogen
- Why = next time pathogen comes, WBC release the antibody and destroy the pathogen before you can get affected

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