Before moving onto the example, let's first cover the principle of Chromatography.👇
The basic principle of chromatography is that the components in a mixture have different tendencies to absorb onto a surface or dissolve in a solvent. This facilitates the separation of mixtures of chemical substances into its individual components so that the individual components can be thoroughly analyzed.
Here's the example🤓
Explain how information from chromatograms can be used to identify the composition of a mixture.
A spot of the mixture is placed on the base-line of a piece of chromatography and the paper is then soaked upright in a developing solvent. Different components of the mixture will move at different rates which helps separate the mixture. Finally, take out the paper and dry it. The resulting paper is called the chromatogram.
❗️❕ For colorless components, the chromatogram has to be developed for the components to be visible. For this, spray a developing agent such as ninhydrin onto the paper
We can identify a component from its retention ratio (* the distance a component travels relative to the solvent) which can be obtained from the chromatograph.
❗️❕ Retention Ratio = distance moved by compound / Distance moved by the solvent
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