Science is a pain in the back and so to add fuel to the fire, came along the reversed role for pulmonary artery and umbilical artery
For easier memorization, it's said that artery carries oxygenated blood and veins de-oxygenate.
Understanding the Concept
- Any existing vessel that carries blood away from the heart is an artery and towards the heart is called a vein
- Due to deoxygenated blood on the right-hand side of the heart, pulmonary artery(from the heart to the lung) carries deoxygenated blood.
- the case brings by 2 exceptions 1) Pulmonary artery 2) Umbilical artery
1) Pulmonary artery:
is the artery which carries blood from the right ventricle of the heart to the lungs for oxygenation
2) Umbilical artery
either a pair of arteries that arise from the hypogastric arteries of the mammalian fetus and pass through the umbilical cord to the placenta to which they carry the deoxygenated blood from the fetus.
*For easier understanding, vessels are named according to the microscopic structure. Arteries have thick walls- usually three layers namely Tunica, Intima, and Adventitia. On the other side, veins are more distendable (cannot be compared).
Hence, pulmonary artery resemble any other artery and vein in structure respectively, even though they may carry opposite blood because of their 'job' .*
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