Pest control
It is important for the benefit of public’s health. One of the most serious epidemics, the bubonic plague which caused millions of deaths across the globe back in the day emerged from rats and other rodent pests. Cockroaches and other pests are also able to carry germs and bacteria into their body.
Pros and cons of using pesticides- a form of chemical pest control that is used to kill pests that reduce crop yield:
- Pests can eat and or damage crops so they can’t be sold.
- Pesticides pose threat to the environment and wildlife
- It's expensive
- There’s a possibility for the pests to become resistant to the pesticide used.
- it leaches onto the soil resisting the possible growth of crops
- Pesticides are hazardous to humans so the amount used in food has to be below a safe level for the wellbeing of health.
- Killing pests may affect the overall biodiversity
- Pesticides are effective in controlling pests, producing instant results.

Biological control: Introducing a predator into the environment with corps to kill pests. For instance: ladybugs to eat aphids. Biological control can happen naturally!
- isn’t reliable as predators are uncontrolled of what they eat.
- pose as a pest themselves unexpectedly
- there are longer lasting effects than spraying pesticides
- less harmful to the wildlife
- Cheap
- Self-regulatory
- very effective e.g. parasitic wasps control whitefly in glasshouse tomato crops and the myxomatosis virus was deliberately introduced to control the rabbit population in Australia

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