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HKDSE Biology - Photosynthesis

Compulsory Part I Cells and Molecules of Life

May 5, 2020
  • Understand the significance of photosynthesis. 
  • Relate the structures of leaves and chloroplasts to their functions in photosynthesis.

Photosynthesis 🌿

  • 🔆Light energy ➡️🧪Chemical energy 
  • Light energy from sun is captured and utilised in the conversion of carbon dioxide, water and minerals into oxygen and organic compounds

👆🏻This photo showing the process of photosynthesis.

Significance of photosynthesis 🌿

  • Photosynthesis supporting the oxygen provision in the atmosphere. 
  • Photosynthesis contributes to the carbon cycle among the earth, oceans and organism.
  • Carbon cycle ➡️Circulation of carbon atoms in the biosphere.
  • Photosynthesis act as the primary energy process for plants.

In HKDSE Biology examination, students have to memorize the importance of photosynthesis ❗️ ❕NO photosynthesis ▶️ No organism can survive.

Leaves 🌿

👆🏻This photo showing the structure of leaf.

Students have to link up the structure of leaf to the function in photosynthesis in HKDSE Biology examination❗️ ❕

1. Large surface area

  • Allows leaves to absorb more light.

2. The epidermis is thin and transparent

  • Allows more light to reach the palisade mesophyll cells.

3. Palisade mesophyll cells are located at the top of the leaf

  • Allows the rapid absorption of light which leads to an increment on the rate of photosynthesis.

4. Palisade mesophyll cells containing numerous chlorophyll

  • Allows the absorption of all available light.

Chlorophyll 🌿

👆🏻This photo showing the structure of chloroplast.

Students have to link up the structure of chloroplast to the function in photosynthesis in HKDSE Biology examination❗️ ❕

1. Thylakoid system

  • Thylakoid is a flattened sac-like membrane structure where light energy converts into chemical energy.

2. Grana

  • Grana consisting 10 to 20 thylakoid where light energy converts into chemical energy.

3. Stroma

  • Stroma is dense fluid enclosed in the membrane envelope and outside thylakoid membrane where carbon dioxide converts into carbohydrates.

4. Chlorophyll

  • Chlorophyll is the green photosynthetic pigment inside grana and having the role of absorbing light energy.

That's the end of this topic 👏🏻


  1. Bassham, J. A., & Lambers, H. (2020, March 17). Carbon fixation in C4 plants. Encyclopædia Britannica.
  2. Brenner, L. (2019, November 22). Why Is Photosynthesis Important for All Organisms? Sciencing.
  3. BBC. Adaptations of the leaf for photosynthesis and gaseous exchange - Plant organisation - Edexcel - GCSE Biology (Single Science) Revision - Edexcel - BBC Bitesize. BBC News.
  4. Bailey, R. (2019, July 1). How Chloroplasts Make Plant Photosynthesis Possible. ThoughtCo.