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I/GCSE Biology Question Analysis - Biology - Short Questions

I/GCSE Biology Question Analysis

April 21, 2024

I/GCSE Biology Question Analysis Topic: Biology - Short Questions

Exam Questions:

1) How does industrial melanism support Darwin's theory of natural selection? Explain.

2) Name the plant source of ganja. How does it affect the body of the abuser?


For I/GCSE Biology, you should know:

1) Industrial melanism shows the effect of industrial pollution on the moth population.

Before industrialization, there were more white coloured moths on a tree compared to dark coloured ones. This was because lichens that grew on trees were light-coloured, which helped hide white coloured moths from predators better. However, industrialization has made it unable for lichens to grow on trees. This meant that dark moths now had the advantage due to the dark colours of the trees' stems, thus having a higher population than the decreasing white moths. This process is called industrial melanism.

Essentially, it boils down to this; white moths are better adapted towards nature pre-industrialization, whereas dark moths were better suited towards the changed environmental conditions. This supports Darwin's theory of natural selection, where he claimed that as the natural condition of the environment changes, the organisms that is better suited towards it has a higher survival rate.

2) Cannabis, also known as marijuana, is the plant source of ganja. Large doses may lead to acute psychosis, which involves hallucinations, delusions as well as a loss of identity.

Work hard for your I/GCSE Biology examination!

End of analysis. Great!