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BIOL - Eutrophication

Eutrophication & It's Causes - IBDP | GCE | IAL | HKDSE | AP Biology

April 20, 2020


Have you ever seen this and wonder what is it or what are it's effect on our ecosystem?👀

This picture above shows Eutrophication. When fertilizers are washed off the land by rainwater into rivers or lakes, due to the leached minerals from fertilizers there's excessive nitrate or phosphate which results in excessive growth of algae and phytoplankton. At night, the algae will stop carrying out photosynthesis and only carries out respiration and uses up the oxygen. The fertilizers also contaminates the water as it releases toxins to the water.😜

More Explanation😊

As fertilizers release excess nitrate and phosphorus , excessive phosphorus actually promotes the growth of simple algae or phytoplankton rather than other complicated plants. This reduces the water quality and promotes the growth of the algae or phytoplankton , which leads to increase in poor water quality and hence increase in water pollution. As mentioned before algae will use up the oxygen and the availability of oxygen for aquatic animal decreases, like, fishes etc. Hence it reduces biodiversity. Eutrophication can also produce carbon dioxide, which lowers the PH of the water , also harming the aquatic animals. Eutrophication is known as one of the reason for water pollution.🙈

As there's not enough oxygen , this will result in death of aquatic animals and reduces biodiversity

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