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HKDSE Biology - Mitosis VS Meiosis

Compulsory Part I Cells and Molecules of Life

April 29, 2020

Compare the processes of mitosis and meiosis.

Comparison of mitosis and meiosis ⚔️

🥳 Comparing mitosis and meiosis is common easy type question in HKDSE Biology examination ❗️ ❕

👆🏻This photo shows the difference between mitosis and meiosis.

Differences 🤨

1. Cell division

  • Mitosis divides once only and end at telophase.
  • Meiosis divides twice and end at telophase II.

2. Daughter cell

  • In mitosis, two identical diploid daughter cells are formed from parent cell.
  • In meiosis, four genetically different haploid daughter cells are formed from parent cell.

3. Genetic composition 

  • In mitosis, recombination as well as crossing over will not occurred that the daughter cells are identical to the parent cell.
  • In meiosis, recombination as well as crossing over will occurred as daughter cells are genetically different to the parent cell and among daughter cells.

4. Chromosomes alignment 

  • In metaphase of mitosis, only one chromosome align in each row at the centre of the cell.
  • In metaphase I of meiosis, homologous chromosome pair align in the same row at the centre of the cell.

5. Separation of chromosome

  • In anaphase of mitosis, chromatids of chromosome will be separated to opposite pole .
  • In anaphase I of meiosis, paternal and maternal chromosome of homologous chromosome pair will be separated to opposite pole. Further, in anaphase II of meiosis, chromatids of paternal and maternal chromosome will be separated to opposite pole.

Similarity 🤗

  • The prophase and prometaphase are the same in mitosis and meiosis.
  • Both mitosis and meiosis undergo prophase, prometaphase, metaphase, anaphase and telophase.
  • Separation of chromatids is involved in both mitosis and meiosis.

That's the end of this topic 👏🏻


  1. Bailey, R. (2019, August 19). 7 Key Differences Between Mitosis and Meiosis. Retrieved from