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BIOL - Function Of Different Food Substances 🍟

Nutrients In Human, Different Food Sources, Biology - IBPD| GCE | AL | HKDSE | AP Biology

April 20, 2020

In this article we will be identifying sources and describing functions of Carbohydrate, Protein, Lipid, Vitamins A, C, D and the mineral ions calcium and iron, water and dietary fiber as components of the diet. ✌️


Function of Carbohydrates:

  1. It supplies energy for supporting metabolism

           2. Glucose - It releases energy for supporting metabolic activities.

                              - It plays an important role in the regulation of the water balance of the body                                    as it affects the water potential of cells and body fluid.

           3. Glycogen - It's stored in the liver for regulating the blood glucose level

                                - It's also stored in muscle as energy reserve to meet the energy need during                                     intense muscular activities. 

           4. Cellulose - It acts as dietary fiber to stimulate peristalsis.                   

Sources of Carbohydrates:

There can be a lot of sources but I will list out some starchy food:

Oatmeal, Brown rice, Rice, Banana, Bread, Pasta, Pumpkin, Potatoes, Sweet Potatoes etc 

Protein 🥛

Function Of Proteins

1. They build up body tissues for Growth and Repair of worn-out tissues. 

2. Enzymes - It speed up all the bio-chemical reactions in organisms. 

3. Hormones - It regulate physiological process

4. Haemoglobin - It transports oxgyen throughout our whole body. 

5. It also acts as energy reserve

Sources Of Proteins:

Protein is made up from building blocks of Amino Acid. Amino acids are made from either scratch or modifying others. Essential amino acids come from food. Foods that are rich in protein are Fish, Beans, Eggs,Lean meat, Milk etc. 


Functions of Lipid:

1. It acts as Energy Reserve. 

2. It also acts as insulating layer, we have fat stored under our skin known as subcutaneous fat which reduces heat loss from our body.

3. Lipid stored under our kidneys and heart act as shock absorber and protects the organ. 

4. It also carries lipid-soluble vitamins (vitamin A and D) inside our body. 

5. Lipids are also the important component of the cell membrane. 

Sources of Lipids:

There are various sources of lipids like Oils, butter, cheese, nuts, avocado, milk etc. 

Vitamins (A, C and D)🥝

They are organic compounds and are needed in very small amount.

Functions Of Vitamins (A,C and D)

1. Vitamin A - It forms the visual purple of the Retina for vision in dim light.

- Maintains the healthy condition of the cornea and the lining of respiratory tract.

2. Vitamin C - Important for wound healing and keeps the connective tissues and blood vessels healthy.

3. Vitamin D - It helps to regulate the absorption and metabolism.

Sources of Vitamins:

1. Vitamin A - Fish liver oil, liver, Butter, Milk, Eggs, Vegetables(carrots).

2. Vitamin C - Green pepper and Citrus Fruits

3. Vitamin D- Eggs, Fish liver oil, Butter and Fish


They have no energy value and help to build up body tissues or to regulate metabolic activities.

Function Of Minerals:

1. Calcium - It forms bone and teeth

                   - Involved in Blood clotting

                   - Helps with Muscle contraction

2. Iron - It is a component of Haemoglobin

Haemoglobin transports oxygen throughout our body

Sources Of Minerals:

1. Calcium - Milk, Cheese, Vegetables, Dairy Products

2. Iron - Liver, Kidney, Yeast , Egg, Vegetables

Dietary Fibres🥣

Dietary Fibres mainly consists of cellulose and are not a nutrient. They also cannot be digested and. Their main function is to stimulate the Peristalsis of the gut to move food.  

Sources of Dietary Fibres:

Cereals, Bread, Vegetables, Fruits, Dairy Products, Fish meat, Beans etc.

And we are done for today. Hope this helped you all. 😎

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